Tag Archives: cat

Grad 2012

10 Jun

Long time no post- and man, time goes by fast. Graduations are already done.

Well. Highschool- what can I say…4 years of my life..that shaped who I am now.

Just a week before school officially ends..and that feeling is bittersweet. Happy, excited that I’m finally done school..no more catching up on late work..and getting yelled at by the amazing teachers for fooling around in class..having lunch with your best friends and putting/drawing weird things on people’s back. Those are all the good time that I will remember forever, even if we set out to achieve our goals in different places and be separated for years.

I really want to thank my friends for the amazing years, having to cope with my retardation, and well, my sense of humour (none, really). The friendships are the ones that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life, and I hope to catch up with all of you during the summer before you go elsewhere! I’ll miss you guys so much. Forever Bros 😉 My highschool life would be just full of !@$!@# without all of you, it’s you that make highschool life such an important and fun part of my life. Again, I thank you for all the things you’ve done, even if it’s just a minute-long convo we had last week, I’ll remember it.

Next I want to thank the teachers…though some are really harsh and strict, and just. Meh. I still have to thank you all for putting your efforts into educating the future generation…from nothing to something. Really, I wish you all the best, and maybe end the strike alrdy? Get a payrise? idk. Just don’t want the grad next year have such a complicated and annoying grad year.

Hmm.. then I gotta thank my family for supporting me throughout my life, not just in highschool and there’s that. Meow.

Last but not least, gotta thank my love, for all the support and sacrifices for the past 2 years and a bit. It’s not that long since we first met, but that connection with you..just feels like we’ve known each other forever. Thank you so much, and I love you, Cat. (btw, only 5% of highschool relationship actually can carry out to marriage, so no pressure, haha)

Well got my words out. and yeah, took some photos at the graduation ceremony and dinner etc, had a fantastic time.

Once again, thank you, and meow.